PTSD after Motor Vehicle Accidents

PTSD after Motor Vehicle Accidents

In the aftermath of an accident, the biggest concern you may have is recovering from physical injuries. Often times however, the impact of an accident can be more than just physical and can have some serious emotional impact as well.

What kind of psychological injuries might happen in a car accident?

The psychological impacts from a motor vehicle accident can include changes to mood, anxiety, stress, and fear of driving just to name a few. You may develop interruptions in your day to day living, so much so that it can have a serious negative impact on the way that you lead your life, and cause strain in your interactions with loved ones.

How are psychological injuries seen in law?

In law, the psychological trauma resulting from an accident is seen an injury like any other. That means that you can and deserve to be compensated fairly for the impacts that the accident had on you, physical or otherwise.

What should you do if you think you have had psychological injuries from an accident?

Of course, the most important thing for your recovery is to treat your symptoms the same way that you would your physical injuries. You should talk to a doctor and follow their recommendations.  Talking to a doctor and a mental health specialist is also important when it comes to pursuing a claim for damages. It will help not only determine how much your claim is worth, but will serve as proof of your injury and symptoms.

You may be entitled to compensation for these injuries. The types of damages available for psychological awards can be difficult to assess.  If you have been injured in an accident we recommend that you speak to one of our qualified lawyers to discuss your case.