Winter Driving Tips

Edmonton Winter Driving

Winter Driving: Accidents Happen

The first snowfall can be a shock to the system for many Edmontonians. Winter inevitably catches us by surprise even though we expect it around this time of year. Drivers must adjust their habits overnight and prepare for longer commutes and poor weather conditions for the next several months. Whether we are unprepared or in denial about it, the winter driving season is here.

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Mitigating Your Losses After an Accident

Duty to Mitigate Your Losses After an Accident

The concept of mitigation is closely related to managing risk and personal responsibility. It is frequently described by the phrases ‘mitigating your losses’ or someone having a ‘duty to mitigate.’ While mitigation is a legal concept, it is rooted in everyday personal responsibility for lessening your losses. Mitigating your losses simply refers to taking reasonable steps after suffering a loss to decrease the impact of that loss. This guards against it getting worse in the future. For example, if you got a cut, you would clean and bandage it instead of bleeding out.

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Steps To Take When You Get Into A Car Accident

legal rights at the scene of a car accident
How can I protect my legal rights at the scene of a car accident?

With the cool fall weather approaching and traffic on the roads increasing as many of us head back to school and work, it’s possible to see an increase in the number of car accidents on the road as people adjust to changing conditions.

While none of us wish to be involved in a car accident, it is helpful to review what steps we should be taking at the scene of an accident to maintain our legal rights.

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