3 Very Important Things To Know Before You Lend Your Car Out

Lending your car and MVA

It is common knowledge that if you give someone permission to drive your vehicle, you will likely be held vicariously liable for any property damage or injury they cause while they have it. But did you know that you also cannot loan your vehicle out with conditions, and that you will still be held responsible for any damages caused by that driver?

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Complain Complain Complain

Tell your doctor

Complaining: It’s Not All Bad

When you are injured in a motor vehicle accident, visiting your doctor regularly to report your symptoms is essential to your recovery. This builds the medical evidence of your injuries, which is vital to a personal injury claim. Seeing the doctor to report your injuries as soon as possible after the accident is crucial, but it is also essential to return to provide status updates. This is especially true if the treatment protocol isn’t addressing your injuries, and you aren’t seeing improvements with time.

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Did you know that Car Accidents can cause Erectile Dysfunction

MVA and Erectile Dysfunction

Did you know that car accidents can cause erectile dysfunction?

Yes, you read that right. While it may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of motor vehicle accidents, it occurs more often than you might think. As with any other injury that you sustain in a motor vehicle accident caused by someone else, you can receive compensation for it under your bodily injury claim so long as it can be shown that it was caused by the accident.

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How Long Does it Take to Settle a Car Accident Claim in Alberta

Settlement timeline after car accident It can take as little as a few days to several years to settle a car accident claim in Alberta. The main factor that drives the length of time it takes a file to settle a claim in Alberta is how long it takes a person to recover from their injuries. Since each person recovers at a different pace, this is why there is so much variance from one file to the next. Claims in Alberta are typically settled once a person is either fully recovered, or, reaches “maximum medical recovery”, which means the person has recovered as much as they possibly can from their injuries. Generally speaking however, many people recover from their injuries within two years, meaning their claim can be settled around the two-year mark after their accident. This is not set in stone however, and again, as discussed, is entirely circumstantial upon a given person’s experience.

The law on recovery periods

Our Alberta courts have identified that, generally speaking, some injuries are of a lesser nature in that the person injured can expect to be fully recovered from them after a few short months, so long as they are pursuing all the appropriate treatments that are recommended to them by their doctor, such as physio, massage, chiro, and more. However, there are some types of injuries that no matter how well the person is doing in terms of following their recommended treatments, the recovery will still take quite a bit of time – several months or more. See McLean v Parmar for more discussion about “chronic pain” as well as examples of expected recovery times. Additionally, while you are recovering from your injuries, there might be other types of losses you are also experiencing at the same time, that would need to be measured and accounted for with supporting documents or evidence. These could include:
  • Loss of incomefor time off work while you recovered;
  • Loss of income earning capacityif your injuries will permanently impact your ability to work and earn income;
  • Future cost of careif your injuries will require further treatment for the continued foreseeable future after your file settles;
  • Loss of housekeeping capacityfor your lessened ability to keep up with chores, groceries, and other activities of daily living while you recovered;
  • Specialsout-of-pocket costs for items or treatment for the accident that were not already reimbursed to you;
  • and more.
An experienced personal injury lawyer can help handle your claim by taking a proper look at the circumstances of your injury and recovery process to determine how long your file may take to settle, and provide you the advice over what types of claims you may be entitled to. If you have recently been injured in a car accident and are considering seeking compensation, please contact Moustarah & Company today for an initial consultation and to answer any questions you may have.

The Average Settlement Amount for Injuries from a Car Accident in Alberta?

Car Accident Settlement Payouts Alberta



Pain and suffering claims in Alberta can be settled for as little as just a few thousand dollars to several hundred thousand dollars. The number all depends on several things: the type of event that gave rise to your injury; the nature of your injuries; the complexity and length of your recovery process; and what types of losses you suffered that you can prove; and more.

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